
Black September: A Dark Record of Human Rights Violations in Indonesia

Human Rights (HAM) refer to the fundamental rights and freedoms inherent to every individual from birth until death. These rights are a divine gift that must be respected, upheld, and protected by the state, law, government, and every individual. Each person is entitled to their own rights, such as the freedom of expression, the right to choose their own religion, and more. We are obligated to respect the rights of others, just as they must respect ours. However, human rights violations still occur globally, whether minor or severe. Indonesia, for instance, has witnessed several instances of such violations, ranging from the mysterious shootings (Petrus) between 1982-1985 to the Talangsari incident in 1989, among many others. One particularly dark chapter in Indonesia's history is known as "Black September." This term refers to a series of severe human rights violations, all occurring in September. These include the assassination of human rights activist Munir Said Thalib

Humanities Study Event Engages Students in Critical Issue Discussions

  Gowa,  26 September 2024  – The English Language and Literature Student Association (HIMABSI) successfully organized an insightful event titled  Humanities Study  on Thursday, September 26, 2024, at the external secretariat of HIMABSI. The event featured an engaging discussion on current issues, attracting enthusiastic participation from students across the faculty. The session was led by  Mr. Ince Muhammad Alwan , a board member of DEMA-FAH, who provided valuable insights on the topic, while  Shalih S. Umar , Head of the Research, Development, and Advocacy Division (P3A) of HIMABSI, moderated the session skillfully. The event witnessed a great turnout, with students expressing high levels of enthusiasm throughout the discussion. One of the attendees,  Nadillah Yacob Putri , shared her excitement, stating, "I found the discussion fascinating, and I’m already looking forward to attending the next session. The topics being discussed are very relevant and timely, addressing issues

English Class for Students, Organized by HIMABSI

  On Friday, September 20, 2024 , the English Student Association (HIMABSI) successfully held an English Class at their External Secretariat, located at Perum. Patri Abdullah Permai, Lrg. 1. The class was led by Satria, a fifth-semester English Language and Literature student, who also serves as the Deputy Secretary II of the association. The event started at 2:00 PM and continued until the evening, focusing on the topic of "Part of Speech." The session aimed to enhance students’ understanding of fundamental grammar, particularly beneficial for new students from the English Language and Literature Department (BSI). With the primary goal of providing additional learning support to students, this peer-tutoring session fostered a warm and welcoming atmosphere. It allowed participants to engage in a more interactive and family-like learning environment. The event was well-received, especially by first-year students, who made up the majority of attendees. HIMABSI hopes that this i

Internship Orientation Held for English Language and Literature Students at UIN Alauddin Makassar

Gowa, September 24, 2024 – The English Language and Literature Department at the Faculty of Adab and Humanities, UIN Alauddin Makassar, successfully held an internship orientation event on Tuesday, September 24, 2024. The event took place at the Faculty’s Lecture Theatre and was attended by a large number of students, the majority of whom were seventh-semester students. Additionally, all lecturers responsible for the internship program were in attendance, providing guidance and support to the participants. The orientation session was officially opened by Prof. Dr. H. Muhammad Yusuf, S.Ag., M.Pd.I , the Vice Dean 1 of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities, who expressed his hopes for the students to gain valuable experiences and sharpen their skills throughout the internship program. The event featured three insightful presentations from esteemed speakers: "Self-Actualization and Language Competency through Internship Programs" Speaker: Dr. Rosmah Tami, M.Sc Dr. Tami discussed

"Power" Short Movie by English Literature Students Receives High Praise at Enlite Show 2024

Gowa July 13, 2024 - The short movie "Power," created by students from the English Language and Literature Department, Class of 2022, was screened at the Enlite Show 2024 today, receiving a wave of acclaim from the audience. The film captivated viewers with its rich humor and the compelling performances of its actors. The creative minds behind "Power" are Ilham Rachmat Alam, Muh Isyroof Syarif Al Qadri, Farid Ahlul Qori, and Malik Rachman Indarto. When asked about their experience, they shared the challenges they faced during the production. "The hardest part was writing the script because we had to deal with many repetitions and changes in the topic we wanted to highlight," they explained. "The second difficulty was the limited recording equipment, especially for audio. But from these challenges, we learned to think creatively about how to make the most of the available tools and time, and also to develop our improvisation skills in acting, especial

Satria Wins Top Prize in "Atomic Harmony" Article Writing Competition with Insightful Digitalization Essay

  On July 4, 2024, the winners of the online Article Writing Competition "Atomic Harmony" were announced. The competition featured a variety of submissions from participants around the world, showcasing their unique perspectives on various themes. The first-place winner was Satria, whose article titled "LOOKING HOW FAR THE DIGITALIZATION OF MAKASSERESE LANGUAGE" impressed the judges with its depth and originality. The judging panel included Dr. Umar Thamrin, S.Ag., M.Hum, a distinguished lecturer from the Department of English Language and Literature. Dr. Thamrin's evaluation criteria focused on Novelty (Gagasan) and Uniqueness (Keunikan Karya). Satria earned 25 points for Novelty, as he highlighted the often-overlooked process of digitalizing the Makassarese language. His readers will gain new insights from his essay, as many are unaware of this ongoing development. For Uniqueness, Satria received 20 points due to his conversational tone, likened to a tour guid

Enlite Show 2024: A Resounding Success Celebrating Freedom of Speech

     Gowa, July 13, 2024 – The Enlite Show 2024, themed "Freedom of Speech," concluded with great success at the Aula Gedung Madani PPG. This remarkable event showcased the collaborative efforts of three courses: Cross Cultural Understanding, English Drama, and English Poetry from students majoring in English language and literature UINAM class of 2022. Guided by esteemed Sir Dr. Nasrum, S.Pd., MA., Dr. H. Muh. Taufik S. Hum, M.Hum, and Mam Syahruni Junaid, S.S., M.Pd., along with her dedicated assistant, Ms. Aryana N. Qarimah, S.Hum, M.A., the show featured a blend of intellectual and creative performances. The highlight of the event was a comedic adaptation of Drama William Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing," retitled "Laugh Tale in Messina." This final act provided both entertainment and a thoughtful reflection on the event's overarching theme of freedom of speech, leaving the audience thoroughly entertained and inspired. Malik Rachman Indar